Help get my car back on the road

Help get a broke college student's car back on the road. There will be prizes!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Back in the day

Before I started to go to school for artwork, I used to have a shit ton of spare time. Naturally I spent a great amount of that time drawing, particularly cars (gee, I wonder how that happened) like a boss.

Anyway the real issue here is this, I used to do a lot of Car-icatures for commission back in the day, and hell, why not start again. If you have any interest in one, leave a comment.

Also, some of you may have noticed that tight as button on the top of the page that says donate. I would like to introduce a new little game, involving said button. At the end of every month there will be a random drawing of those that donated. It can be as little as a dollar or as much as you want, but the winner will get a high res car-icature  of whatever car they find most pleasing. I'll still accept private commissions as well, but I thought this might be a fun way to get started. And now, for your viewing pleasure,


  1. Nice drawings man. Keep it coming :P.

  2. Aw man, I used to doodle stuff like this all the time back in high school classes.

  3. Woah, you're really good. I wish I was as good at drawing as you.

  4. these are really good. keep on drawing man

  5. I love these car drawings!

    *Sigh* if only they were real!

  6. American muscle cars are my fav of all time. And you draw really good. Nice.

  7. sweet, i could imagine what a camaro SS 2012 or mustang boss 2012 would look like

  8. I really think you got talent. Following.

  9. I remember doodling things like this back in the day during classes!

  10. did you draw these yourself? if so, that's really good my man.

  11. these are fantastic! i really like your style

  12. ffff you're a really good artist! I'll bookmark this page to donate when I get my next check

  13. You got some talent man, those are amazing. I especially like the third one down.

  14. Wow those all look amazing! Wish I had some drawing talent like that.

  15. Better than anything I could do.


  16. Awesome, excellent! I wish I had at least one of those machines, hehe.

  17. You got some real talent man, keep it up ;D

  18. Great post! Keep up the good work.

  19. I wish i could draw like that :p

  20. These are just awesome drawings!
